
(Updated Jan 2023)


Click here for a breakdown of prices

Most group classes are based round £1 per 15 minutes with a basic charge of £1.50. So 1 hour costs £5.50 and so on with a minimum of £3.50. Students taking multiple classes each week get a discount per extra class. We prefer you to pay by standing order. Standing Order payments for private and group lessons pay for 36 lessons per year over 12 months and will be given access to between 39 and 41 classes each year depending on how the summer holidays fall. This includes at least 3 free classes to cover holidays - if you come to all your classes you get at least 3 FREE!!

Contact us for a detailed breakdown or click here so that you can plan before you sign up.

If you are unable to pay by standing order, classes can be paid for on a weekly basis at a slightly higher rate.  

Private lessons are charged at £5 per 15 minutes plus a £7 basic rate. So, 30 minutes cost £17 and 1 hour costs £27. This can be split between up to 5 students before a group rate kicks in.